Our Staff
Global Friendship Ventures team is made up of people who love to serve and work with international students This nonprofit organization has two parts. The Globe serves as housing and community hub for internationals and internationally minded American students. Global Student Friendship serves about 1000 international students in the Hampton Roads area. The ministry helps internationals by using community volunteers and student volunteers.

Kathy Hardison
Kathy Hardison volunteers as director for Global Friendship ministries. Kathy attended William and Mary and finished at ODU with a degree in Sociology. She was the Director of the international student ministry at Tabernacle Church of Norfolk and served in that position from 2005 to 2009. She has worked alongside her husband for more than 35 years of ministry at Tab, assuming a variety of leadership positions. She has served on the board of TEAM for 9 years and has traveled broadly in order to support missionaries in their place of service. Involvement in ministry to international students has been a lifelong passion, one which has deepened the spiritual life of all the Hardison family members. She and her husband Rich are members of Virginia Beach Community Chapel and their 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren live in the area.

Elaine Rodriguez
Elaine serves as the Property Manager at the Globe. With almost 20 years of experience in Administration and Business Operations, she holds professional certification in Human Resource Generalist (SHRM-CP) and TESOL/ESL certified (Cambridge University, London). Elaine grew up in Sri Lanka, and moved to the US in 2016. She has been involved in ministry since she was saved at 12 y of age. She grew up serving in AWANA Clubs, Sunday School and also local missions/church planting in Sri Lanka with her dad. After she moved to the US, she had the privilege of serving among international students at Western Kentucky University and then as one of the Resident Life Managers at the Global Friendship House from 2018 - 2022.

Brielle Marlow
Brielle Marlow, Resident Life Manager, hails from Cleveland Ohio. As the oldest of 5 she grew up in a Christian home. She graduated from Liberty University with a degree in English as a Second Language. Her experience includes overseas mission work in Indonesia and Panama. She also has experience serving as an international student advisor and English teacher. She has a heart for the world and is excited to help international students living at the Globe have a positive and meaningful experience while at ODU. Elaine serves as the Property Manager at the Globe.

Kurnia Foe
Kurnia Foe, Ph.D, is from Bangka, Indonesia. He accepted the Lord Jesus through a small group Bible study while a student at the University of Indonesia. He graduated with a master’s degree in Experimental Nuclear Physics and a doctoral degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University. Kurnia and his wife, Lian, have been involved in ministry since serving together in the campus ministry in Indonesia. As a team, they have been serving thousands of international students, scholars, and their families. God has blessed them with five sons: Joshua, Micah, Nehemiah and twins-Timothy and Titus. Kurnia is the first recipient of the MONARCH LEGACY AWARD (for founding Global Student Friendship and serving over 4,000 international students and scholars at the ODU campus) presented by Old Dominion University. Also, he was the first recipient of the TIMOTHY AWARD (for outstanding leadership among international students and scholars around the world) presented by the Association of Christians Ministering among Internationals.

Lian Foe
Lian was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, and graduated from Universitas Indonesia with a degree in Chemistry in 1998. She met Kurnia as a college student and served together for four years at a vibrant student-led campus ministry fellowship there. She then worked as a trainer in this field in a prestigious multinational company before marrying Kurnia. Her Chemistry background is helpful for her to bake and cook international food. She considers the highest compliment when an International student says that the food she cooked reminds them of their mom’s cooking. Lian is passionate about serving international student wives and their families with the love of Christ. Her experience as an international student wife with children makes her relate well with them. She welcomes countless international students and others who are strangers to her home with her kindness. They always appreciate her hospitality and leave her home as friends or family.

Javier Silva
Javier Silva was born in Venezuela and was raised Catholic. He met the love of his life, Zlatka at Simon Bolivar University where he studied business management. He and Zlatka were married in the summer of 2021. They moved to Norfolk in order for Zlatka to pursue a graduate degree in Ecological Science.
They started coming to the Global Student Friendship (GSF) events because of an invitation by an international student. By Spring 2022, they regularly met with Dr. Kurnia Foe for Bible study. They began serving others as GSF leaders and were baptized as born again Christians in spring of 2022.
Currently, Javier is a member of the GSF staff, contributing to the organization‘s mission of helping the international community and fostering a connection with Jesus. Zlatka’s involvement in various student organizations and recognition with the SEES Mentoring Leader Award in April 2023 showcases her dedication to her studies and the international community. They continue meeting with Dr. Kurnia for discipleship.

Catherine Ames
Catherine is grateful for the opportunity to serve and grow as an RA, and to live alongside students from all over the world. She recently began undergraduate studies in Speech-Language Pathology

Taylor Nesom
Taylor, the women’s floor RA, loves doing life with people. She is American and is enjoying undergraduate studies in International Business and world culture.

Nate Ferrer
Nathan Ferrer is a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering Student attending ODU. His life is for Jesus, and his purpose to share His love with the world. He loves being outdoors, music, and photography. Nate is grateful to be an RA because it allows him to make new relationships and share in other’s unique cultures!

Sam Moreno
Sam, one of the men’s floor RAs, loves to help and meet new friends. He is from Chesapeake, Virginia and a senior at ODU completing his B.S. in Cinema and TV Production.
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Board of Directors serving on our team.